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What It Feels Like to Die

Illustration by Jim Cooke.Even though death is a universal experience, we don’t know a whole lot about what it actually feels like to die. What happens to your body and mind throughout the transition of being alive to being dead? The good news is that there is some research on this and when you learn about what we do know, it makes the whole thing a little less terrifying.What happens to your bodyDying can vary quite a lot, so, for the sake of this piece, let’s assume you’re dying of natural causes and that you’re on your way out. First, it’s important to know there isn’t a precise “death moment.” Dying is a process, and one where there are a lot of gray areas because there’s still a lot we don’t know.That said, we can legally define death in two stages. Right now, your body is gradually approaching what’s known as “clinical death,” which occurs when your heartbeat, breathing and circulation stop. But your body’s cells are still alive after that for the next four to six minutes until “biological death” occurs. At that point, your brains cells have begun to die and resuscitation is impossible.Okay, we know what death means legally now, but let’s not get too ahead of ourselves here. How does that process feel? Well, according to James Hallenbeck, M.D., a palliative-care specialist at Stanford University, your last few days on earth are what’s known as the “active dying” phase. You rapidly start to lose your natural urges and most of your senses. Hallenbeck says things start to go in this order:You stop being hungry.You stop being thirsty.You stop being able to speak.You stop being able to see.You stop being able to hear.You stop being able to feel touch.Other side effects include shortness of breath, depression, anxiety, extreme fatigue, mental confusion (likely due to lack of oxygen), constipation or incontinence, and nausea. Basically, your brain is basically slowly sacrificing less critical functions in order to perpetuate your survival. Even your skin will begin to show signs of your demise. It will get cold, turn a light bluish gray, and might even show signs of mottling. Mottling is one of those things where you know it when you see it: the skin is marbled with red and purple and feel cold to the touch, because the heart is no longer able to pump blood effectively to the extremities.Soon you’ll be too weak to cough or swallow, and your breathing will make a disturbing, guttural sound in the back of your throat called the “death rattle.” As far as doctors can tell, though, the death rattle doesn’t hurt—even if it sounds bad to everyone else. But doctors aren’t sure how much pain people actually feel as they die. Obviously, being burned alive or being shot are probably painful ways to go, but when you’re dying of natural causes in a hospital bed or at home, it’s hard to say. Your pain is usually being managed by healthcare professionals and you’ll likely lose consciousness in your final hours, so it’s likely very minimal. Usually, when they know you’re on your way out, they doctors and nurses try to make you as comfortable as possible. When your body finally lets go, what little brain function you had left rapidly fades away. This means your brain can no longer keep your body in check, so you might urinate, defecate and possibly even ejaculate (but that’s rare). Now, that all might sound terribly uncomfortable and frightening, but your brain has a few tricks up its sleeve.What happens to your mindRight when your body starts to flat line, your brain does its best to prepare your consciousness for the jump to the great beyond. In their final moments, many people have out of body experiences, a rendezvous with relatives in a peaceful place, a feeling of greater connection with the universe and of course, see the classic bright light at the end of the tunnel. But what’s really happening in there?For one, you probably won’t be afraid of what’s happening to you in that mental state. One study, from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, compared the mental states of terminally ill patients and inmates on death row with those of people told to imagine they were dying. Their findings suggest the closer you get to death, the more positive of an outlook you have on it. Perhaps it’s because you become more accepting of death when it’s less abstract and you have to face the reality of it. Or maybe it’s because you’re having peaceful dreams and visions.In a study conducted at a hospice center in Buffalo, New York, researchers found that dying people have a lot more dream activity than normal. In fact, 88 percent of the study’s participants claimed to have dreams or visions that felt more real than normal dreams, and they often carried on into the waking state. Most people dreamed about reuniting with people they knew who had already died, others said they dreamed about preparing to travel somewhere, and some re-witnessed meaningful experiences from their past. For many of these people, their dreams and visions comforted them and decreased their fear of death.What Are You Afraid You’re Dying Of? Is that recurring twitch in your cheek a symptom of something more serious than fatigue? Why is…Read more ReadOnce you begin to clinically die, your brain kicks into overdrive—with a surge of electricity and spike of activity in various regions throughout the brain—and it begins to release neurochemicals that excite it far beyond normal. This is when all of those “bright white light” experiences occur. One study, published in the Journal of Near-Death Studies (seriously), suggests those who have had a near-death experience all tend to witness the same things—though they varied depending on each person’s cultural and religious beliefs. However, another more recent study, published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, suggests when these experiences occur, and in what order, varies from person to person. So, you’re likely to experience these things, in no particular order:A hyper-aware mental state, or very clear consciousness. This may be in a waking or dream state.An out-of-body experience, usually in the form of you hovering above your own deathbed. Possibly caused by your brain’s temporoparietal junction (TPJ) being damaged from a lack of oxygen.Your life flashing before you eyes. Many people see significant moments in their life play back for them.A reunion with lost loved ones—sometimes even with ancestors you never met in life. Or maybe visiting a strange world and meeting beings made of light. Lack of oxygen to the brain can cause hallucinations.An overwhelming sense of peace and rest, possibly triggered by a rush of endorphins.A bright white light at the end of a tunnel. Your visual system gets overly excited and flooded with carbon dioxide, causing you to be much more sensitive to light. You also have other heightened senses for a brief amount of time.PSA: Dying People Can Hear YouWhen you visit somebody you care about on their deathbed, don’t be fooled by what you see. The…Read more ReadYou may experience all of these things, or only a few of them. And there’s no telling when or in what order they’ll occur. According to near-death survivors, these experiences make death feel OK, and almost welcoming. By the time your mind has finished its farewell ceremony, you’ll be ready to go. We may never know for certain what’s beyond death, if anything at all, but you can at least rest easy knowing your brain will try to make it as comfortable as possible.This story was originally published on 9/6/17 and was updated on 7/17/19 to provide more thorough and current information.
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